I have 3 features I would like to see incorporated in the Activity Layout in the Project panel and Annotations in your workflow.
1. Annotation transfer to Activity Layout
When building a new workflow, when you make an annotation in the head sequence in the designer canvas and right click on that workflow in the Project panel and click Activity Layout, the annotations from the head sequence are transferred to the Activity Layout in the Tooltip part. This is exactly what I want.
However, when the Activity Layout has been made and I change something in the annotations of my head sequence, the annotations aren’t transferred to the Activity Layout.
When I change something in the Tooltips of the Activity Layout, the changes do get transferred to the annotations of my head sequence. But when you’re building it’s much easier to make changes in the head sequence’s annotations then having to open the Activity Layout.
It would be nice if the transfer of the annotations would go both ways.
2. Make Tooltip field in Activity Layout bigger or changeable
The Tooltip field in Activity Layout is quite small so that you can’t really see what’s in there without scrolling.
Could you make this field bigger or changeable with a drag-corner?
3. Save Annotations when saving the Workflow
When making annotations, anywhere in your workflow, when you save your workflow and forget to click outside of the activity, the annotations won’t be saved.
It happens often that I write whole essays in an annotation and than later find out they weren’t saved.
It would be really helpful if the annotations are saved when you save your workflow without having to click outside of the activity.
Thanx in advance for reading my requests, and I hope they will be incorporated.
Studio version: 2023.4.4