Failed to retrieve information about 'CredentialManagement'

I’m trying to install UiPath.CredentialManagement because it is a dependency for UiPath.Credentials.Activities. However, I got the following error when installing CredentialManagement.

NU1801: Failed to retrieve information about ‘CredentialManagement’ from remote source ‘<updated>2022-10-09T10:55:38Z</updated><link rel="self" href="" /><author><name /></author></feed>’.

Can someone please help.


Hi @nsabalva,

No need to add credential management separately, try installing Uipath.credential.activities directly this will add its dependencies if required.

Hi @shivagowdavarad

Thanks for your response. I tried installing the Uipath.credential.activitiies directly but it is giving me the same error. And the whole installation failed.
When I go the URL *‘CredentialManagement’&semVerLevel=2.0.0*”, it is says page not found. Any thoughts?


I also found this following error:
“NU3004: Package ‘CredentialManagement 1.0.2’ from source ‘’: signatureValidationMode is set to require, so packages are allowed only if signed by trusted signers; however, this package is unsigned.”

Hi @nsabalva,

Does the machine on which you are trying to access have any security restrictions, usually it tries to download .nupkg file & that type of download should be allowed.
Please check whether below UR’sL are accessible: