'Failed to create a 'OutArgument' from the text ''.' Line number '1' and line position '375'. Row: 1, Column: 375

Hi all,
I’m getting this error while opening the workflow…It runs fine for the first time after that it showing this error and unable to open the workflow

It showing that error in Out Argument but I’m receiving the argument with the variable of same datatype and it looks fine…

Hi @PrabhuViswa,

Open the xaml in notepad and remove the out arguments if you see any as like this,

 <x:Property Name="argument1" Type="OutArgument(x:String)" />

Make sure that is not reference in any assign or any other activity. Once opened that xaml in UiPath Studio then create the arguments as you want.

Make sure to have a backup before edit it in notepad.


After removing Out_Argument now it is opened.
Thank you…

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