Extracting the text from images


I have been working on a project to extract text from the images and the images are not quality. Pixels are missing because of that extracting the text output not coming properly.

For example: in that image, it’s showing 29ss instead of that it returns 2955, in some examples it shows str33t instead of the Street.

Please suggest us.

Hi @RPA-Developer

Use specialized OCR engines: Consider using OCR engines that are specifically designed to handle challenging image conditions, such as Tesseract OCR. Tesseract has options to improve OCR results on low-quality images, such as applying image processing techniques, denoising, or adjusting the OCR configuration.

Hope it helps!!


thanks for the response, but I have already tried with Tesseract OCR not providing a result as good as uipathscreen ocr.

Is any other to extract text from images which will read the missing pixel one.

Hi @RPA-Developer
Try Changing the degree with Parallelism Or try with
Google Cloud Vision OCR
OmniPage OCR

Hope it helps!!

I have tried but not working properly for missing pixel images.

Hi @RPA-Developer
Can you try with this

I hope it helps!!

I have tried that too not working