Extracting specific text using RegularExpressions.Regex.Match

Hi, I have the following text in my email body. I want to extract only some specific values of some keywords. e.g.

" Hello,

This is RPA BOT.

For Quarter: Q4_2020

no# of work day per week: 5
no# of unpaid leaves: 2
no# of prorated days: 0
% increment: 0
pcode: SCM
intake: IN_1_4_2020
nric: G123456M


So I want to extract the value of pcode, intake, nric and assign to 3 variables.

What should be the regex syntax/pattern to extract this?



Thanks a lot. Another expression where I need help.

Mail Subject is:

RE: Salary Support Mail 1: Quarter: Q4_2020 Company: ABC PTE LTD <IN 1_4_2020>

I want to extract the company name “ABC PTE LTD” i.e. whatever name comes after keyword “Company:”

How to extract this from the email subject?


Hi @Debleena_Dhar,

You can try this.
