Extract specific column values from excel and apply if condition on the latest version 2023.4.1


I want the if condition that should match with any of of the excel column value, so that i can proceed with some steps. Please help me on this

Hi @Sunil_Kumar1

Can you please specify the condition that you want to check? Also, in the If condition, you can directly use CurrentRow(0) = yourCondition format to check the desired condition.

Best Regards.

Could you specify what condition you wanted to check? You can give that condition in the if activity directlly as CurrentRow(0)= Condition and proceed with the rest of the logic in the if block.

opDt(0).ToString.Equals(ID) giving error where ID is my input and opDt out put of Get Row Item
Current(0) also giving error

opDt(0).ToString.Equals(ID) giving error where ID is my input and opDt out put of Get Row Item


Is the project in c# or vb.net?

If in c# use currentRow["ColName"].ToString().Equals(ID)


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Get row item will give you a single value. But you are trying to access opDT(0) which is not correct. Can you try opDT.ToString.Equals(ID)

Thank you so much it worked

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