Good day all,
I have this flow where my bot downloads attachments from an email into a local folder then opens it. I want to extract data from the excel columns please help, so far I have used this:
Good day all,
I have this flow where my bot downloads attachments from an email into a local folder then opens it. I want to extract data from the excel columns please help, so far I have used this:
Read range activity will give you output as DataTable. And then use For Each Row in datatable activity to iterate that data one by one row. While iterating through rows you can get each rows column by this code.
currentRow.Item("Column Name").Tostring
Hi @ashokkarale thanks for your feedback, so the variable I will create for : currentRow.Item(“Column Name”).Tostring ,what is it’s type?
currentRow.Item(“Column Name”).Tostring
this will return you string. So datatype of the variable should be string
Take a look at this post for general datatable questions and answers.
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