Extract datatable uipath

I have a question.
This is the scenario:
Login to the website
Go to the Invoices tab and search for invoices.

I have a list of 10 vendors in an Excel file that I need to type into the search.
If there are invoices for a vendor, I need to create a folder with the date and time of the run.
After that, I have to save a new Excel file inside the folder I created for each vendor, with the date and time of the run.
For example, if there are 10 vendors and only 5 vendors have invoices, I need to save and create 5 Excel files.
Thanks for the help


What did you try and what issue are you facing?

Verything looks straight

  1. For each row in excel
  2. Type into and click
  3. Check app state to check for invoice
  4. If present save it on the same side use create folder
  5. If not found move to next invoice


.hii Anil Thanks for the replying, I will try your solution
.I will try to be more specific That’s what I’m trying to do

i have 10 vendors in the Excel file. I want to Extract the all table.
.every time I click the search button and there is an invoice according to the vendor
i used activity table Extraction And it didn’t work Because I want to do it in a loop
for example all this table to Extract

you think your solution will solve the issue or is there another solution?


To extract this data you can use extract datatable activity

And then remaining is same as above mentioned

Table extraction did not work on this pge? Then what you indicated might be wrong as this is a very common site and it would work always


Table extraction worked only the first time
I think I understand my problem
You helped me a lot

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Extract all data using : Table Extraction

then use: For Each Row in Data Table

then use : Go to URL for redireting on URL than use type into and pass this value:

CurrentRow.Item("Vendor TaxID").ToString

for your reference I have share workflow with you.

DeleteMe.xaml (19.7 KB)

This process run in loop for all vendor ID.

Thank you,

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