Extract data table is giving error

Hi All ,

I am using Extract data table activity . It works fine for couple of execution but after that it fails and dont extract data .

So I chaked it on clicking Test extraction -

And got below error


My question is what happened suddenly that caused the working Table extract activity started breaking ?

Hi @shraddha_joshi

Check if the number of columns are change with every new execution.

No there is no change in column and table structure.
yes , new records are inserted into table , will table extract fail after new record is added ?

as the table structure didnt change try to toggle between between the properties highlighted in the screenshot and find the best settings
also check if the uipath browser extension is enabled in the browser you are using or try to install it again

if you are getting any error try to share it may be we can have more info on the issue

Hi Aditya,

My issue got resolved by making strict selector dynamic.

I compared the selector value for 2 different users and added * in changing text inside aaname.


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