Extract Data Table from web page not extracting well

I will just link my project since I tried fixing it for hours with no luck. Basically as you can see in the pics I’ll link down below the extraction works amazing for the first website (had to comment out those last 2 assigns in the first Use Browser to check this), but it doesn’t work properly for the second website since it doesn’t extract the “Cod valuta” column’s rows at all for some reason even though when I view the extraction it looks fine. I tried putting a delay in there thinking it may fix things, but it doesn’t so feel free to delete that if not necessary. Also if you fix it for me please do tell me how you did it since I got an exam I’m preparing for and I need to actually know how to do these kind of things myself, thank you!

monezi.zip (1.6 MB)


  1. Are the sites different?
  2. Are the table structures different?
  3. Are you using same extraction activity for different tables?

Extraction works for similar type of tables only


Hey @Wolf214356 are these two sites are different and just for the testing after extracting the data using scrapping method can you use output data table and check the output because in the screenshot i see filter data table activity might be you are giving some condition on that which might give you that problem.
