Need to extract currency value ex. have value SAR 0.00,SAR 1,456,254.00 like this and I want only values 0.00,1.456,524.00
Have tried with split functionality but getting error as " index out of box" initially the split is working as expected but after some time it is showing this message.
I am assigning the value as
stClosing_Bal= SAR 0.00 or stClosing_Bal= SAR 1,456,254.02
Output: stClosing_Bal= 0.00 or 1,456,254.02
I think I understand your sample…
Regex Pattern:
Take a look at this solution
Want to learn Regex? Check out my Mega post
Can you try using this in Assign:
Hi [Steven_McKeering],
Thanks for the reply.
Sorry that I forgot to say that SAR is not constant. The currency symbol can change
Ex: INR 0.00, USD 1,254,458.23
@deepaksvg99 try out this
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(Test, “[^0-9]”, “”)
Where Test in that expression will be ur variable name
Hi Steven,
Thank you very much for your support and the code
Hi Nikhil,
Thank you for the code. It is working
Please mark it as solution
happy learning
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