Help with REGEX!


Can you please help me in getting the amount value with the currency from the below text using regex?

"The total, not to be exceeded, Charge for the period of the term is: £ 341,072 GBP "

The currency symbol will change and does not remain the same. I only need the value that is in bold

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so everytime currency Symbol and Amount you need in bold

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No, I need to extract the amount along with the currency symbol in another variable using regex.

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ok give me minute

First, you match the currency Symbol and match the digit group
then you can add both the Variables

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Umm, will not be able to do it like that, as the string that i have extracted from PDF has many places with digits and currency, I need to extract it with the reference as “is:” so I can get the value after it.

@Palaniyappan @Yoichi

Can you please help me?

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is: and GBP remains same??

Hi, only “is:” remains the same and it can be anything after the required value.

you can test it here regex101: build, test, and debug regex

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[quote=“mc00476004, post:1, topic:187223”]
£ 341,072 GBP
If the input is in string variable named strinput
Then in assign activity to get the value we need

stroutput = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(strinput.ToString,”[^\W].+(?=[A-Z].)”).ToString.Trim

Cheers @mc00476004



Hope the following helps you.




Thank you @Yoichi @Palaniyappan @Pradeep_Shiv.

I was able to use your inputs and find out the correct solution for this


Cheers @mc00476004

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Happy Learning @mc00476004

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