Extract Charts from Excel & insert them in send exchange mail


Can anyone please help me on how to extract charts from excel (different sheets), save it as word, convert it to PDF and insert as a image & attach PDF and sent them in send exchange mail activity?

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi @SudhaRajesh,

Try to use VBA


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Thank you for the response!

Can you please share a sample XAML?

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks & Regards,

Fine hope these steps would help you resolve this
—use Bala reva activities to store the chart as image by mentioning the image file path

—once after that install uipath.word.activities package from manage packages option in design tab
There in official tab search for the above package and install it
—after installing use word application scope and pass the file path
Use insert picture and export to pdf activities from word activity package so that we can get the pdf ready
—then use the Send outlook mail activity and pass the file path of pdf as input to ATTACH FILE property in the mail activity

Hope this would help you
Cheers @SudhaRajesh


Thank you for the response Palaniyappan!

The Chart sheet does not contain rows, columns, or cells, just a chart and the chart name is not recognized in UiPath.
we need to extract sheet name to use BalaReva’s activites right. Can you please help me to extract chart sheet name in excel?

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi @SudhaRajesh,

Here is an activity “Extract Graph image” to extract all charts as images


Thank you for your response!

With Excel activities, we are not able to get the sheet name which has only chart. The Chart sheet does not contain rows, columns, or cells and it contains just a chart.

Since we are not able to read the sheet name, as a work around, we are using the below logic to save the chart.

  1. Start excel
  2. Get text = Chart tools from the tool bar(to identify the chart sheet)
  3. Home  copy
  4. Get image from clipboard
  5. Save image

Thanks in Advance.


Hi @SudhaRajesh

ToRead the sheet name you can use this activity

Use this activity (Extract Graph Image) save all the chart as image .


Than you for the response!

We tried with BalaReva Excel activites. But it didn’t work. Is there a way to extract chart from excel sheet which does not contain rows, columns, or cells and it contains just a chart? Attached sample excel sheet.Test_SheeetName.xlsx (19.0 KB)

Thanks in advance!


Hi Bala,

We are facing another issue with easy excel activities - Extract Graph Image. This activity extracts graph from an excel sheet which has rows & columns.

we are having 3 graphs in excel sheet. Extract Graph Image activity, saves only two graphs(1st and 3rd) and throwing the error " illegal character’s in the path" .

Thanks in Advance!


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HI @SudhaRajesh

Can you share the excel sheet. or send me a sample one.


Thank you Bala!

We figured out that the chart title has new line character which gives an error " illegal character’s in the path". Is there a way to overcome this issue?

Thanks in Advance!

Thanks & Regards,

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Can you give the sample title name ?
