Extract All Data Icon and Click on Dialog Box

HI All,
Can anyone suggest solution for the following scenario:

  1. The user has the option to ‘Export All Data’ from the download button. This I can do it with selector. PFA

  2. Once the download button is clicked, a window will pop up (as per below) indicating
    that the report is available for download. It will be visible for only 2 seconds. So even I cant use Click activity here and also there is no selectors relevant to this activity.


Until, we click on this dialog box, file will not be downloaded. So, can anyone suggest how to click on pop up



Use Check app State Activity for that pop up.If that pop UP appears THen it will click

Hi @nkumarm271

Use Check App State activity and indicate the Download Pop up. In the Target Appears section Given Click activity to click Ok button.

Refer the below image for better understanding:

Hope it helps!!

Thanks to both for your reply.

I have tried with “Check App State Acti.”, but its not selecting the pop up when I indicated it.


Any other solutions?


Hi @nkumarm271

When you are not able to indicate the Pop-up then try changing the Ui Framework by clicking the F4 or else by changing them from the dropdown as shown below.



HI @mkankatala,

thanks for the reply.

I have tried using dropdown (Auto, AA and Ui Automation) but unable to select pop up. It was selecting the entire screen instead particular UI.

Hi @nkumarm271

Delete the Click activity and rebuild that Click acitivty and try changing UI Frameworks it should work.


ok let me try using new click act.