Extend the UIPath free Version

Hello everyone. We are in the process of evaluating UiPath as automated tools in our company.
My free subscription is about to expire.

my question is:
Is it possible to extend the free subscription. If so, how can I extend it?

Hey @amel237
you mean community version?
It extends automatically once the expiry date is about to reach, so no worries on that.


Hi @amel237 ,

Could you let us know if you were using the Enterprise Trial option till now ? If so, you should be able to Click on Start Trial again and you should have the services available to you for the next 60 days.

If the Subscription was done through UiPath Sales Team, would suggest to contact the UiPath Sales team for further extension.


Enterprise trail cannot be extended…you can try using a different email and request for trail again for 60 more days

Note: if you register as community user you would have unlimited access but few features like unattended,ai center etc would not be available


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