Excel Validation_ same Ref number should have same currency

Hi all


As the input in the excel there is Currency cord and Ref number. For the same Ref number should have same currency. If there is a multiple currency for same ref number have to highlight currency cord.
really appreciate if cane give the work flow


Hi @Lochana_Bandusena ,

Could you let us know more details of the process ? We did understand Multiple Currencies found for Same Ref No, we need to highlight but why are we highlighting the USD Currency and not the LKR or why not both ? Or are we leaving out the First Currency match ?

Let us know what are your thoughts on this.

Hello @Lochana_Bandusena

Are you trying to find the duplicate records in the table if the Ref no is having multiple currency?

Also will this currency be different or always same.

Can you share a sample input file and the output required.


If there is Multiple Currencies for the same ref number should highlight both

@Lochana_Bandusena ,

In that case, The Output would appear as follows :

Is this the Expected Output for your case ?

Yes that would be the outcome

@Lochana_Bandusena ,

Check the below workflow :
Excel_Highlight_DuplicateData.zip (10.5 KB)

For the explanation, Minor comments are provided for the methods used.

There may be a better approach that we could use but we could try with this version and let us know your feedback on this.

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