Excel scope Exception

Hello friends,

When i want to write some data from Datatable to an EXCEL Sheet using a Write Range Activity, I get the following exception:
Call was rejected by callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED))
Some time the Bot works some time not, I do not know why.
Hope to help me to solve this problem.

Thank you so much.
I hope you can Kindly help me.

@CamiCat, Can you check this ?

Dom :slight_smile:

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I read this topic but I can’t find the solution unfortunately.
Can you please help me again?
Thank you so much.
I attached the picture of the exception.
Thank you.

Cami, Good to see that you have searched already. BTW, have you referred the very first link in your screenshot? This one

I have googled seems to be happen with unactivated versions :neutral_face: If you do have an activated one, can you give us more info ?

  • MS Office version ?
  • How many rows are there in datatable ?
  • How often you experience this ?

Note: I don’t have detailed knowledge on this. Will try my level best to sort it.

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Thank you so much @Dominic for your kind help.
I have the Microsft Excel 2016.
But maybe the problem is that I have recently installed the Analysis VB Tool in this Excel and I tried to disinstall it.
I’ll let you know if this solves my problem.
Thank you so much.
Camilla :slight_smile:

Might be as I read it here under the Resolving problem section.

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Yes @Dominic.
I think that solves the problem.
It is so interesting the page of Support that you indicated to me.
Thank you so much for the effort you made in helping me.
Camilla. :slight_smile:

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Its my pleasure :blush:

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