UiPath.Excel.Activities.Business.ExcelProcessScopeX randomly started showing the Excel application window when it wishes to when running a project that uses it, even if the “Show Excel window” property is set and always has been to “False” and it never acted like this before.
The behaviour I’m complaining about didn’t happen until now in the last 3 months while using this same activity.
As you can understand, is not feasible for the programmer to loose who knows how many hours trying different combinations of version - lowest applicable runtime version until it works, and it’s not the user’s duty as it was working fine until now.
Hi @pere ,
Apologies for the delay in getting to this issue. Just wanted to learn more about this issue here:
- Are there multiple Excel scopes/files in the project?
- Is it a flicker or does the Excel file stay for longer?
- Is there any consistency or repro patterns that can help us investigate this further?
Many thanks,