Hello guys, please help.
I need to save xls file with variable price. How to do that? Price every time diferent and xls name too
Hi and welcome,
Please can you elaborate or give the inputs and expected output.
Screenshots helps greatly. If the information is confidential then replace it with “dummy” text.
I type this, but have problem: write range illegal characters in uipath
I need to save xls like this: Toyota Camry Price(variable).xls
What happens if you save it as .xlsx instead?
Have you tried specifying the whole path?
Anyway xls or xlsx, one mistake: write range illegal characters in uipath
It’s not an issue with the extension
If you are passing any characters that not support in file name then you will get this error
So check the price variable value, if it contains any $ or some other symbols, then those should be removed / replace with valid characters
Hope this helps you
Hi There,
Make sure Sheet Name is correct.
Yes my Excel in russian and Sheet1=Лист1 in another project it worked.
Check as below
Can you write the value which you are passing using writeline activity
So that you can find issue, i believe
You can replace spaces as String.Replace(" ", “”)
Hope this helps you
Before write Range, can you place a message box and give the same value you are passing to write range
This will give you the value entire value
Share that screenshot
also you need the value to be written in only A1?
Also it would be great if you remove space between Toyata Camry
As i said in previous post, you can remove the spaces
and also remove the spaces between Toyata Camry
and pass the entire excel file name to message box
do those changes, hope this will helps you
If it didn’t work share the error screenshot and as well as message box value too
Please try on my xaml. I try all, but anyway can’t do it
- There is a argument created with the same Price variable, remove that
- Once you make replace you are getting many spaces, so that you have to use trim to remove unwanted spaces
by doing those steps you can find below result
Attached workflow after correction
Робот Поиск Авто.xaml (21.5 KB)
project.json (2.1 KB)
Mark as solution if it works
Thank you it`s work. Thank for your attention and time.