Cant manage to pass extracted price with Get text activity to Excel

I have a list with lots of URLS on an excel and I made a robot that navigates in to each URL and extracts the price.

I cant use the wizard so I used Get Text, but afterwords I cant type the extracted info back to to the excel.
Can I get any sugestions on how to do it or how to correct this?

Hi @Favarelaa

In where to write field in the write cell activity give like this CurrentRow.Byfield(“Column name”)

In the place of column name give the required column name present in the Excel.

Make sure to check the auto increment row option.

Hope it helps!!


It’s because you set range instead of cell address.
So can you try either of the following?

Where to write




Where to write


Turn ON AutoIncrement row property



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Both work great! Thank you!
My excel has the thousand separator in dots and the decimal separator in comas.
Do you know how I can make the Write Cell activity put the price in that format?


In general, we can use FormatCells activity if your input string is numeric and your excel locale is same style what you want to input.


If your locale is not same, it may be necessary to convert string to what you want and input it as text to excel.


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