Excel keeps saving while all options are set to not save

Hi all,

2 days ago I made a topic about my excel sheet crashing while running an automation.

I figured it only crashes, or delays, when it is saying it is saving on top of the file.

Sometimes my automation stops, and I need to manually click excel to make it continue.

My auto-save function from excel itself is off, and also in the “Use Excel” in UiPath, I disabled “Save changes”

I dont wan’t nor dont need the file to save after every Excel action. Can I totally disable it so my automation runs smooth again?

Picture of how it looks when it is saving:
saving problem

Thanks for your help all!


If you are only reading data then try to use worlbook activities instead and check…

Or also another option would be to open excel in read only…you would have a property in use excel to open in read only which will not cause this issue


Thank you for your answer,

Unfortunately I am not only reading from the excel file, but also importing data.

This is the part where I think it goes wrong mainly.

Can I do it in an alternative way?

-The use of datatables? But I dont understand how I can “Save To” a datatable from the CV Extract table.
-I could also choose to save to “ClipboardX.DataTableValue”, but then when I try to write ClipboardX.DataTableValue to a cell in Excel it stays empty. Also Tried Write Excel datatable and as a source ClipboardX.DataTableValue, but also stayed empty.


Just create a new datatable variable and assign it… later just use a write range activity and pass the dtataable

This is not how you save…the problem here is outdatatable will give out a table but not tle the value back
