Excel formula in cell

i need to write a excel formula in write cell activity , but this is showing end function error .how to correct this ?



Try like this



there shouldnt be any bracket before b2?


Are you trying to concatenate all of those strings?

May I know what you wnat to acheive witht his formula…

I gave you how to write the same formula in write cell…and yes i dont see any missing brackets but if you want to concat then use concat(B2,…,xxx,yyy) like this


Hi @poojaskyrathore

Can you pass the below excel formula in your write cell and check it again,

> "=B2 & TEXT(F2,""mm-dd-yy"") & TEXT(G2,""mm-dd-yy"") & ROUND(ABS(H2),2) & ROUND(ABS(L2),2)"

I didn’t get any error while writing the formula to a cell as shown in below screenshot,

Hope this might help you :smiley: