Excel File Opening

Hello guys,
I am new here in the UiPath Forum and RPA automation process. I need some help in a project that I’m currently working on.
The issues are the following:

  1. I have an Excel file downloaded already and saved on the desktop. Now I want the bot to open the file for me. Which activities should I use to do that?
    Note: the file has been downloaded from a website.
  2. After the spreadsheet opens, I want it to be saved now on the O Drive, which is my next step towards the next building phase of the project. Please advise.
    Thank you in advance.

Hi @borisadjihonu

Is there a specific reason as to why you want to open the spreadsheet first before saving to another drive? You might want to consider just using Copy File or Move File activity for that.
If you still want to open the Excel file, you can use Use Excel File activity of UiPath.Excel.Activities package.


Welcome to the community

  1. You can directly specify the target location and the file would be ideally downloaded to that location it self

  2. If you still want to download to desktop first or if it downlods only there then use move file /copy file activity and move to the target location


Thank you for responding! After the spreadsheet downloads on “This PC” in the “Downloads” location, the Excel file opens.
Now I want that opened spreadsheet file to be saved on a specified location.
Perhaps, I am doing right at the moment, as I used the “Copy File or Move File” activities, but it is not working yet. I will keep trying.
Thanks again.

Thank you for responding!
Perhaps, I am doing right at the moment, as I used the “Copy File or Move File” activities, but it is not working yet. I will keep trying.
As of now my Excel spreadsheet is opened and that is where I am stuck.
My issue is: once my Excel spreadsheet is opened, which activities should I use to move from the opened spreadsheet to save that file into a specified location (the shared drive to be precise)?
Thanks again.


Why you want to open and move it…while open you cannot move…you have to create a copy usingn copy fileand give destination location


Hi @borisadjihonu ,

Could you maybe check the below post on how to download a file to a Specific Location, You would need to modify the Chrome Settings (If Chrome is being used). In this way, you could directly download it to the intended location.

Although not sure, why the file is being automatically opened up after the download. You could use a Kill Process activity to kill all the existing excel processes.