Hi, All… in the automation, I have to download the excel file then after download, i have to move the excel file from download folder to the other folder. everything was smooth in debug mode and attended robot. but its not work in unattended robot (the process stuck before move the file). move file success after i open the excel file and close it. Anyone have idea with the solution? Thank You
Are you using wait for download activity to confirm that the download is completed before moving the file. Also try copying the file also to segregate the issue
yes im use wait for download activity before move file
Are you downloading to default location only or specific location? Also try adding few seconds delay before moving
While downloading - kindly check any temporary files are getting created or not. If yes - Include those extensions in the “Ignore these temporary file extensions”
Also use the downloaded file field as well. This will make sure that the BOT is monitoring the exact file only
Kindly add delay as well and give a try. This is to segregate the error and not as a fix
still not work bro… i think related to unattended robot cannot access the downloaded file
Please add “tmp,dwn,crdownload” in Ignore these temporary file extension and after download activty give few sec of delay and try.
hey @randa_prakasa try with file exists activity so before moving it it a precaution step if the file is there then it will proceed the moving step to move file from one place to another.
cheers Happy Automation.