I am having a problem with an excel data validation activity. When I run the application all of the rows fail validation.
Essentially I have two excel workbooks (PDFExtract) and (Parts List) both in the same excel file. I need to see if 5 cells in each row, from PDFExtract exist in any row of workbook Parts list. For Example Row 1 has values 1,2,3,4,5 in the specified columns within PDFExtract and Parts list has the values within the specified column structure in row 32, Row 1 of PDFExtract would “Pass” validation.
Could someone please review my code to help me determine why every row is failing? Row T of PDFExtract has the values which should be returned for reference.
The values do match, they were shortened to avoid any issues with spaces. Here is the revised file matching the excel workbook. I am not sure why the values did not save. If you could have another look I would greatly appreciate it.