I’m currently running into an issue with the add headers functionality when pasting a data table into a newly copied macro enabled excel spreadsheet.
- I use the copy file activity to copy an empty excel macro enabled (xlsm) spread sheet that only contains the macro i want to execute
- Open an excel file that contains the data i want to past to into a new excel spread sheet
- I do a read range of the whole spreadsheet with Add headers checked. I output that data to a data table
- I use the write range activity to paste the data table into the copied .xlsm file, add headers is checked.
- I execute the macro
When i run locally on my machine the data table paste that data into the .xlsm as expected. The headers are the 1st row in the spread sheet
Now when i publish the project and run through orchestrator on a VM, the data table seams to not realize that the headers are already there and adds Column0, Column1, Column2. . . above the “real” headers.
Now when i run the macro through the VM i get an error because the headers are not what the macro is expecting.
This is strange because it works on my local machine as i expect but gives different results when i run on a VM.
Does anyone have an suggestion on how to tackle this issue?