Excel data merging

I have multiple workflows and a single workbook to print data. I can print data in a new file. But don’t know how to print data in a next free column…
Workflow.xaml (22.0 KB)
Here’s my .xaml

So, do you want to write the data after the next empty column?
For example, if I have an excel file with four columns and receive new data with two columns, the data will be written after the fourth column in the existing excel file, correct?

No…All flows are extracting the values from unstructured pdf’s. the values extracted in data table are structured… example all workflows extract same number columns.
I need to get the row to write all the data under single header…
Hope you got what i am asking for…

Hi @abivanth.r ,

If your final excel data contains a fixed number of columns with the same headers, you can follow the steps below.
1.First, create an excel file with fixed headers and keep it as a template.
2. Then you can always check the row count before adding data into it.

Check below attached flow ,
Abhinav.zip (9.1 KB)

Vinit Mhatre

Hi @Vinit_Mhatre

can you please share the SC?

Hi @abivanth.r ,

Input Excel



Then it will check the row count of existing template excel file before writing the data into the excel sheet


Excel output: After writing First datatable into excel

After writing the data again will check for row count then will write the data into same excel sheet using same expression

Second Datatable with 3rows:

Excel Final Output: after writing second datatable data

Note: Read range properties

Vinit Mhatre

Thanks bro!!! explanation’s very clear

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