I am downloading an Excel file from Sharepoint on a daily basis.
I update this file (add a new line to it in a data table, paste the result over the old data; the Chart is also including the new line).
I extract the Chart as picture (to send it as screenshot later in an email).
For all this, I have to use different kinds of Activity packages because the standard Excel activities from UiPath won’t cover what I need during the complete process. (I am using version 2020.10, btw.)
So I also installed Balareva Excel and EasyExcel. Because only both together can cover the rest. (Like add new sheet or apply correct cell width. I guess it’s possible of course with normal VB code, though…)
Original file looks like this:
Units are 10 Days.
After updating the table, the file looks like this:
Units are set automatically to 10 Months.
The extracted chart as image (using Balareva’s EasyExcel Chart Image Extract Activity) looks like this:
Unints are shown as every 14 days.
I want to keep the original version.
Also, the extracted image shows decimal comma separator in the y-axis that is not needed.
Someone knows the solution?
Maybe have a VB code to be invoked at that point?
thanks for the links.
Unfortunately, I don’t know if this is really useful? I can’t see if there is any option to set the x-axis to show “10 days”. I am not really good at VB Code.
With balareva activity, the export also always looks different, depending on I don’t know what. Position of Mars?
For the correct chart design inside the excel file, I think I will end up doing it with clicking around, which I wanted to avoid.
After all updates to the table, I opened the file in the Excel Application Scope (UiPath.Excel.Activities), then added the modern “Use Application” (UiPath.UIAutomationNext.Activities.NApplicationCard) inside the Body of the Excel application scope and used modern clicks and hotkeys to navigate to the chart menu and settings to adjust the Axis to my needs.