Excel basics - click here to learn how to use Excel with UiPath

UiPath software allows you to perform several operation on your Excel files.

If you want to learn about it in detail, please see our documentation here:

Or go through the lessons in our Foundation course on the Academy.

Here, I will mention a few quick facts that should get you going right away:

There are two sets of activities:

  1. Excel Application Scope activities

    See this example to see how it works:
    ExcelApplicationScope.zip (1.9 KB)

    In short:

    • it requires the MS Excel to be installed on the machine
    • it has more features than the second option
  2. Excel workbook activities

    See this example to see how it works:
    ExcelWorkbookActivities.zip (1.6 KB)

    In short:

    • it does not require MS Excel to be installed on the machine
    • it has less features, but works directly on the file (and thus, for example, doesn’t keep the styles of cells well)

If you want to ask a question about your Excel automation, please do so here.

Nowadays, you can also use StudioX for your task automations.

See the docs here:

If you have a question about it, please ask it here.

To learn more about Excel, feel free to search our Forum. If you add in:solved to your search term, only the topics which contain an answer will be returned :slight_smile: Like so:


Some more useful activities to work with Excel files.