Please Help… Is there a way to add + 2 value in the value of the image below…
I use find in studioX to identify where the robot will write the data.
Please Help… Is there a way to add + 2 value in the value of the image below…
I use find in studioX to identify where the robot will write the data.
@mkankatala this is just a sample file…
Opportunities.xlsx (21.9 KB)
yes that is right… and i can take care of the others
Hey @flashdrive07
you can use regular expression to do this:
working workflow you can find here: (68.8 KB)
Check out the below process:
Set Variable Value-> column= System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(foundX,"[A-Za-z]+").Value.Trim()
Set Variable Value-> cal= Convert.ToInt32((System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(foundX,"(?<=[A-Z]+)[0-9]+").Value.ToString.Trim()))
Set Variable Value-> cal=cal+2
Set Variable Value-> output= String.Concat(column+Cal.ToString)
Note: cal is of DataType System.Int32. column is of DataType System.String. output is of DataType System.String.
Attaching the process flow of Studio X below:
Forum Task (184.7 KB)
Hope it helps!
Thanks Again Everyone!!!
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