Excel - Advance Excel (Hide / Show / Delete worksheet, Change Font Formatting, Cell Auto fit, Add Border, Get Last Row / Column.)

This activity allows you to automate excel files and provide some interesting feature i.e. -Hide / Show / Delete worksheet, Change font color / size / style / Bold, Column Autofit, Last Row / Column.

Important Note : this activity provides some advance features to automate excel files i.e.

-Hide / Show worksheet
-Delete worksheet
-Change font color
-Change font size
-Change font style
-Column Auto fit
-Get last row
-Get last column

Now, you download it from UiPath Go!! - https://go.uipath.com/component/excel-advance-excel



Good one, Definately will try this. :+1: :+1: :slight_smile:

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I am using Change formatting activity of your package to add border to certain range.
But its not working. Its not displaying any error message also. Any help would be appreciated

@sirisharani14 can you please share a screen shot?