Excel activities- vba script

Hi, i want to add a for each activity where i want to paste each page copied from a sheet to a word document and close the message boxes. i am using the below vba code in a excel can you help me develop this sequence.
vba code.txt (2.3 KB)


  1. Read Data from Excel:
  • Excel Application Scope: Set the WorkbookPath to your Excel file path.
    • Read Range: Output the data to a DataTable variable (dataTable).
  1. For Each Row in DataTable:
  • For Each Row: Loop through dataTable.
    • Assign: copiedData = row("ColumnName").ToString
  1. Open Word Document:
  • Word Application Scope: Set the DocumentPath to your Word document path.
    • Send Hotkey: ctrl+end (navigate to the end of the document).
    • Send Hotkey: enter (add a new line).
    • Set To Clipboard: Set copiedData to the clipboard.
    • Send Hotkey: ctrl+v (paste the data).
  1. Handle Message Boxes:
  • Parallel:
    • Branch 1:
      • Element Exists: Check if the message box exists (messageBoxExists).
      • If messageBoxExists:
        • Click: Click the “OK” button of the message box.
    • Branch 2:
      • Delay: Add a short delay (00:00:01) to allow the message box to appear.

i am using paste to chart activity( reusable component) to paste the image since the image is already copied to the clipboard. Can you help me write the code around this ?

could you explain what exactly you want ?
a vba code performing entire activity or mix of both vba and UiPath ?

i want a mix of both the vba script i sent and UiPath pasting each image using paste/chart activity as i have figure title heading in the word

hey please see the attached
you need to do some changes to vba code to kake dynamic and invoke it in UiPath

change - sub procedure to accept worksheetname
SelectPrintAreaPages() TO SelectPrintAreaPages(sheet_name as string)

and change the code
set ws= activehseet
set ws = worksheets(sheet_name)

to handle pop-up follow the steps which Krishna_raj has suggested .

try and let me know

This worked @armamidwar.
Thank you!

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