Exceeds grid limits issue with GSuite while Write Range to Google Sheets

Hi together and thanks in advance,

I have a problem with my activity that throws an error when the google sheet is reaching the limit 1001. While manually writing to a google sheet there is a button add more rows (+1000) but it seems that this does not happen implicit when the robot is writing to this sheet with GSuite Library and the “Write Range” Activity.

I know I could create a file and give it enough space and then load this file instead of creating a new one with my workflow but in my case it should create a new file by themselve

Is there a way to do this with Google API?

Thank you so much

here is the error message:

Header: Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError
Invalid data[0]: Range (Tabellenblatt1!A1002) exceeds grid limits. Max rows: 1001, max columns: 26 [400]
Errors [
Message[Invalid data[0]: Range (Tabellenblatt1!A1002) exceeds grid limits. Max rows: 1001, max columns: 26] Location[ - ] Reason[badRequest] Domain[global]

Its limitation of the google api, Please connect with support@appsheet.com (mailto:support@appsheet.com), Support will contact you back and will help to resolve it.