I need to extract the different data from this email, beetween the words VDIVS and 1,0718.
How can I do that?
Can you please send me an example of workflow?
You will get the list of mail message using the activity you are using to get the mail messages, and then when you are iterating the list, you will get an mailmessage object. In this you can use the Body() method, it will give the output in a string format. Now using the substring method, you can get the required data.
Thank you so much @kommijeevan,
i try and let you know
How to set the Top parameter in the “Get outlook messages” so that the Robot fetches all possible messages?
Thank you so much @nshrimali ,
i try and let you know
How to set the Top parameter in the “Get outlook messages” so that the Robot fetches all possible messages?
Thank you so much @nshrimali.
Can you please send me also the workflow that , after extracting the portion of text needed, extracts all the data (the numbers and letters)?
Thank you so much,