Error with Set Text control

Hello I am getting the following error with the Set Text control .
“$id”: “1”,
“$type”: “UiPath.MobileAutomation.Exceptions.ExceptionMessage, UiPath.MobileAutomation”,
“Message”: “Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["text"]} and you sent ["value"]”,
“FaultCode”: “WebDriverException”

thank you,

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Welcome to the community

this is an error in webdriver I believe…please check this


The solution they propose in that thread is for Python users I am using UiPath studio in its latest version.

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Sorry gave a wrong link…this is the link I wanted to give…which was already reported and it is occuring in latest appium I believe


Can you pass me the URL to read the information, is that I do not want to use appium 1.x as it is in disuse and in the network there is not much information on how to solve this error.

Hi @cgonzales

Since you are writing that into an webpage why don’t you try Type Into Activity instead of Set Text Activity. It might solve the error.

Hope it helps!!

I am trying to automate an Android application login.


The url you need I have replaced in my previous response itself…can you please check the same
