Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {"required":["text"]} and you sent ["value"]

I am getting the below error when i try to do a settext operation on Android emulator

Parameters were incorrect. We wanted {“required”:[“text”]} and you sent [“value”]

Please know that the bot is running as unattended bot on a windows 10 machine. The orhcestrator kicks off the test automation scripts.

It is working fine on the machine where the scripts were developed

Ensure that the UiPath Studio and UiAutomator libraries on the machine where the unattended bot is running are up to date. Outdated versions might cause compatibility issues.

Can you log the parameters which you are passing as input to be sure that values are correctly assigned?

How do i ensure if the libraries are UpToDate? Where can i check that?

And yes, I can see the values that are supposed to be populated into the text box

Also I dont see the UiPath studio installed on the machine where it was installed as unattended.

Am i supposed to see Studio as well ?

Is it possible to provide the log if it is not sensitive data?

I am afraid I wont be able to provide the log as the data is proprietary.

I have the same problem in appium 2.0