Error while setting the metadata for upload file activity in share point

Upload File: Error while trying to set metadata (Hint: Metadata can be set only for a DriveItem stored in a SharePoint Document Library.)

I am getting the above error while uploading the file to sharepoint.

Hi @vishal_nachankar

May i knwo what data are you trying to set?

And are you trying to set meta data because the file uploaded without it are giving some error pop up on sharepoint?


I am trying to set the metadata along with file upload

Hi @vishal_nachankar

Set meta data is an optional field so try removing and see if its working

Unless you need to set the metadata as a requirement


i need as a requirement to set the metadata

Hi @vishal_nachankar

Can you check the column names are exactly matching and the file is getting uploaded without meta data first to correct location


yes it is getting uploaded i have checked

Hi @vishal_nachankar

If you are using windows legacy try with package 1.11.1 which is stable and we were able to set meta data using it…

If you are using windows then this version wont be available to you

And also one thing…does the bot account has permissions to edit meta data?


i tried changing the package version to the mentioned one but still having the same issue

This my metadata datatable

Yes it has the access to edit

Hi @vishal_nachankar

Everything looks normal…to confirm if its activity issue or the issue because of anything else can you try setting only Timestamp or any other default column…

If this fails then it might be some project wise issue…try to do the same with new project.

Because activity wise 1.11.1 is working
