Hi forum,
When I try to delete one folder I’m getting one access denied error message. Anyone know how to resolve this?
Hi forum,
When I try to delete one folder I’m getting one access denied error message. Anyone know how to resolve this?
Hello, Please debug and take the path in your file explorer to validate that syntax is correct.
For me the \? at start is weird and might be the cause of issue.
It tells you that access is denied but it can also be that path doesn’t exists ( wrong syntax in your scenario )
Are you trying to delete the Input folder from the package?
You cannot delete the folders from the package at run time but you can delete the files inside it.
Thanks @ashokkarale.
there is no such thing that you cannot delete folders from your package…you can definitely delete
as per error looks like the folder permissions are not there
check the properties of the folder
Also as @Matt67 looks like the path is wrong
You cannot delete project files when the bot is running.
1-If you need to refer files inside the project, then you can use just (as an example) - “Data\Outputs\File Name.txt”
2-Use temporal local folder, place the files there and delete the folder/files at the end of the execution. This will allow do not trying to access the files at run time, or avoid working with files directly from Shared Drives as example.
I believe this is a bug in the StudioX
Anyone tried delete folder activity using the Studio version 2023.10.6??
if it is working fine or getting similar error - Kindly update here