Error when using Intelligent keyword classifier

Hi UiPath community,

I’m trying to use the Intelligent keyword classifier, to classify pdf’s as invoices. I have a Enterprise license and have tried to paste “/?edition=enterprise” at the endpoint and in the api key, still error. i have also tried to generate a new api key for both AI units and computer version but that did not help either.

Hope you guys can help me :slight_smile:


can you try once with keywordbased classifier in place of intelligent Keyword Classifier

HI @Christian_Madsen

  1. can you try with removing the “/?edition=enterprise” at the end of API key… just copy the API key and paste it .
  2. After removing also it throwing the same error the issue is it stopping the fire walls so please connect with the IT Team

Hi Shiva,

I used the keywordbased classifier instead as you suggested, and i got it to work. Now when i trying to extract the data, I get the same error message again.


can you check the Api Key which you have passed in form extractor

Yes, i generated a new api key, and switch it with the old on. But the issue remains the same :frowning:

Hi i’m stilling getting this error:
Data Extraction Scope: Request CorrelationId: 79be7e1a-9529-4ce7-af78-ca6dcce041b8
Request PredictionId: vKI75B/ZX6zD3YN9c13sRr85zDw42zEXiBXsbHoG4mk=_2cbf7c79-60b4-4ffb-be82-18562b827bb1
Your license could not be validated. Please make sure that the API key parameter is correctly configured.
Http Response Code: 401
Http Response Content: