Error “The indicated element does not belong to the target application/browser” in studio X

How can i type into find in page in chrome (ctrl+f) when im trying with image region selection its throwing error like “The indicated element does not belong to the target application/browser” in studio X

Use Activities - Use Application/Browser activity inside that use your activity.

If you are already using this activity then check your page URL in above activity.

Thanks for your solution but yes im using use application/browser activity but still the same not able to type in ‘find in page’ in chrome

Can you check if your URL and browser selector are correct for the page you are trying to automate.

Yes i checked it twice still no luck

I got your point now as Find in page popup is a browser popup and not a part of web page.

you should use another Use app/browser activity inside your main Use app/browser activity and target the Find in Page popup.
and add type into inside new Use app/browser activity.

Yes im doing exactly the same but unable to target that element

you can try using classic type into activity just for this.

Thanks but How can i unable classic type into in studio x?

@Acoustic_Engineer ,
Hii try to use the attach browser activity
use set text activity instead of type into activity
hope this will help!!


open ui explorer and select options-> framework → active accesibility and indicate the search part

now copy the first line into your use app/browser and use the next selector part in the click activity…copy both into strict selectors and it should be working


Yes i can indicate the find in page element but still showing the same error in type into activity like “the indicated element does not belong to the target application/browser”


you changes the selector as mentioned above with active accessibility?


Yes i have changed the selector. It’s getting validated in strict selector as well but showing error in type into activity.


Can you show some screenshots of use app browser and type into

Basically indicate the window properly with title and then use if similr windows are present


Share some screeenshot of your code and the site which you are trying to automate

if it is a public url - share the url as well to check from our side

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