tengo actualmente 4 procesos publicados y de las cuales tienen sus propios triggers; cuando lo ejecuto en el Studio corren sin problemas.
Ahora los he publicado para que se ejecuten con un trigger, pero al momento de hacerlo saltan errores.
La primera ejecución de todas, salió sin problemas pero después se cayeron todas sin ejecutarse.
Y tambíen soy nuevo.
What error note are facing?
Go through the logs and point out exact location and activity throughout the error.
Hello Ashosk, thanks for writing me, I told you that I executed the triggers several times, when this one is executed with the hostname with name for example XX01QA a faulted state is generated, and the ones with hostname name XX01 are executed successfully.
When creating a trigger can I assign the default hostname? Also, I also programmed the trigger to run twice at the same time, one fails and the other is executed; but those two names of the hostname XX01QA and XX01 appear, the first one fails.
My machine has the name XX01.