Error in Table of 2

I am making one table of 2 and want to multiply my current row with int number2.

below is the screen shot of my code written for multuplications but getting this below error.

have assigned number as integer=2.

below is the error receiving.

appreciate if anyone can solve this for me.

Reason might be the Null value

how to sort out?

You can Use write cell Actvity and keep the formula inside the Write cell Activity
I have attached the workflow. you will get Idea
SampleExcel.xlsx (120.4 KB)
demo.xaml (8.3 KB)


Hi Rounak,

unable to sort out this issue.


I have sent you the workflow Please check.
I have multiplied the K column with 2 and storing the value in R
you Can use in place k you can use Ain write cell Activity.

Please let me know if you are facing chalenges

could you pls advise why index value has been set?


i have set index value because row always start from 0
and i have exceeded the Index by 2
because we have to write from 2nd row like A2,B2,C2,D2 …So on

if You are getting ouput As you expected then
Please Approve the Answer

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Hello @taruna.mehra
Here the issue is with the second assign activity. I hope you are trying to get the write to column 2 after the multiplication.

If that is the case you are getting the values from data table as CurrentRow(0), you need to convert that string to interger and then need to do the multiplication.

Then you can use write range activity to write to cell in the loop. or you can use the assign activity with the column header as in the below post.