Error in queue with duplicate reference

Hey guys!

I have the following problem:
I have a queue with a single reference, and when I go to add a new item, it gives an error saying that that item already exists, but when I look for the item in question in the queue it is not there.
Note: I have already removed all the filters and the item is not really in the queue.

Could you help me?

Hi @amanda.gondim,
Kindly remove/change the filter option the queue to visible all data and check again that data is already there in the queue.


Hey @amanda.gondim
It looks like the issue is related to the Unique Reference setting in UiPath Orchestrator. If this option is enabled, Orchestrator won’t allow adding a new queue item with the same reference, even if the previous one is no longer visible.
Try checking all queue statuses, including Failed, In Progress, or Retried, as the item might still exist in the system. Additionally, you can use Get Queue Items before adding a new entry to confirm whether the reference is already present.
If the issue persists and you are sure the item is not in the queue, it might be a system bug, and you may need to contact UiPath Support for further investigation.

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Why don’t you try deleting and recreating the queue , and try adding the item, to check what exactly happening .

If you enable unique reference for the queue , you won’t be able to add the item with same reference again to the queue