Error in merge datatable

Hi everyone,
i’m trying to merge two data table and getting an error which says “Columns have conflicting properties: Data Type property mismatch” even though datatype of all columns of both table matches.

Hi buddy
Kindly check whether the number of columns and order of columns are same
Cheers @Shree_Vybhavi

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Hi @Shree_Vybhavi,

Please share your code here, it’ll help us to clarify you clearly.

Hi guys thank you for your quick response, i was able to solve the issue , just gave “Ignore” for missing schema property of merge table activity. :slight_smile:


Hi @Shree_Vybhavi,

Even i also got the same issue so i gave as ignore for missing schema property in merge data table actvity, but now am not able to see any data in the merged excel,data is showing as empty in new excel.

Hi @Karthik_Kulkarni,
Please try to print both datatables and see if you have any values.


Hi @Shree_Vybhavi,

I tried but data table is showing as empty.

This is how my code looks like GetSheetData.xaml (11.5 KB)

I gave path in my program Assign activity which was not mentioned in the xaml file.

Hi @Karthik_Kulkarni ,
I just tried your code giving my machine local path it just works fine for me.

Hi @Shree_Vybhavi ,

I have used same code as karthik used but merged data datatable is displaying like below,how to resolve this?



Hi @Karthik_Kulkarni ,

Can you remove range from Read Range if u still don’t see any data .

Hi @RajeshT,

If i give add in missing schema am getting error as


If i give ignore am gettting empty data instead of removing the range from read range activity.

GetSheetData_1.xaml (10.3 KB)

I dont see any issue with the same xaml you have provided,yes if you give ignore,the data wont display.

Can you try to change excel sheets and try it again.

Please try to check what Datatype you have for column1 in both datatables and try to match datatypes for both.

Hi @Shree_Vybhavi ,

Please check and correct

Sorry @RajeshT you got me wrong.
Use a write line and give Dt1.Columns(“Column1”).GetType use another writeline activity and give Dt2.Columns(“Column1”).GetType see if datatype of both columns are same.If not have the same datatype in both datatables.
NOTE- Dt1 & Dt2 are name of datatable you are merging.


Hi @Shree_Vybhavi ,

It was bit confusing ,appreciate if you share xaml file.

GetSheetData.xaml (11.1 KB) Please find attached.


Thank you @Shree_Vybhavi,
This works fine.

@Shree_Vybhavi I have same issue , both my Datatables has same types , it runs for one iteration, it does it for the first one but goin in the next iteration it gives an error as Merge Data Table: .“Column name” and .“Column name” have conflicting properties: DataType property mismatch. !!

Set the Variable Type as Object and Try Executing Again.

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