Error: '.', Hexadecimal value 0X00, is an invalid character Line 1 Position 1 While launching REFramework(Robotic Enterprise Framework)


I’m using Uipath version 19.2.0, Community Edition. Completed Level 1 RPA Developer Foundation and Level 2 Orchestrator. Now I have entered Level 3 Advanced Training. When am trying to launch REFramework, it is giving me a constant error
‘.’, Hexadecimal value 0X00, is an invalid character Line 1 Position 1
I tried uninstalling Studio and reinstalling, still the problem remains.

Project.json file seems to be fine…can’t locate any hexadecimal character in line 1 position 1

The error

Pls suggest a solution. TIA

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Try the below solution -

Copy your project as a backup, remove the project.json file and then run your Main.xaml file to recreate it.

Karthik Byggari


Thanks for the quick response.
I have not created any project yet. It is not allowing me to enter Framework to start the project.
Whenever I launch it creates a new folder with set of _Test.xaml, Main.xaml, Process.xaml project.json files

It Worked!! Thanks a lot…
I removed the project.jason file and opened Main.xaml using UIPath.

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