Error got sending mail from custom activity

I already try this mail send but got error as mention in screen shot.when I enter nothing then it work for me as you can see in second mail mention in attachment.but I need to mention from mail “


Yes, if you want to send mail on behalf of other person then you should have permission. Then only it will send mail.

ok which permission from where i need to insert…?


Is the client email id configured in your outlook or not ? If not then do it.

ok you means where this application will execute everywhere client email id configured in every system.then it is not possible.we have to look for another solution


I am using custom activity but not working.In start I have mention do you have any idea…?

I’ve merged the two topics. Please continue the discussion in 1 topic and avoid creating multiple ones for the same issue.

i am also trying the same can you help me on this please