Error getting transaction data for Transaction Number: 9. Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Source: Assign TransactionID

Error getting transaction data for Transaction Number: 9. Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Source: Assign TransactionID

how can i resolve this

Assign TransactionID: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Generally, this error will occur when you are trying to access the value that does not exist in the array means Ex: if you have an array that contains [1,2] if you are accessing the element with the index like if you use syntax like this array_varible[0] it will give 1, for example, array_varible[2] it will error index outside the boundary of an array so please check the value that you are accessing.

can you please let me know the syntax which can be used in my assignment

because -1 or 0 or +1 is not working

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first check how many values exist in your array and then if values are exist in array then we can access each element in an array using array index easily