lets try to summarize the aimed steps:
- set a source directory - “All Invoices”
- loop over all files found in the source directory
- calculate the filename without filetype extension (2019,2020…)
- move the loop the file to a subfolder of “All invoices” representing the year similar to the year from file name
given Implemenation
- will need some corrections and also we would recommend some more optimal code changes
The validation issue
- as mentioned above the loop variable and the used variable name are missmatching
- when using the loop var name and changing the assign statement we do see
Also it was necessaire to change the type argument from for each from object to string
In general we would recommend to get more familliar with
- existing file system related activities and
- techniques e.g.:
🦉 🔖 [CheatSheet] - Filesystem APIs
and then rework afterwards your implementation
For inspection and quick prototyping we can use the debugging panels as presented here
with this