Enhanced real-time monitoring is now available in Orchestrator

Hello, UiPath Community!

We are excited to announce that thanks to your feedback, one of the features most requested by Orchestrator admins is now available for Automation Cloud users. Enhanced real-time monitoring allows you to instantly visualize the current status of all the machines, processes, and queues, so you can act, debug, and optimize your resources more easily than ever before.

This new feature gives you real-time accuracy, with low latency of approximately a few seconds. For every widget available from all the dashboards, you can filter data based on your needs and process the data by downloading the CSV file – so you have an in-depth view of your Orchestrator jobs, queues and machines in any status. Enhanced real-time monitoring is accessible by toggling the Enhanced monitoring option available in Machines, Processes and Queues tabs.

Enhanced Real-Time Monitoring in Orchestrator is powered by the same visualization engine used in UiPath Insights, and we hope you find it convenient to have this rich new capability embedded right in the Orchestrator experience. For customers with access to Insights, you can also create trigger-based alerts based on real-time monitoring data. We also encourage you to check out the advanced capabilities of Insights, such as advanced data modeling and analytics across both operational and business metrics.

Filtering capabilities

To get the precise data you need, you can use the filters for time range, folder name, process, machine or queue name. To use the filters, select the needed filter and pick one of the options available from the drop-down list. Select Refresh and the requested data is displayed. A time-stamp also shows you when data was last updated. More filters for the reports can be used to offer you more granular controls for in-depth analysis.

Enhanced Real-Time Processes

Get enhanced real-time processing stats of your processes:

  • Job success rate

  • Processes with most failures

  • Jobs failures by reason

This report offers a view into a more detailed breakdown of the job failures, specific machine and process errors, and their reasons.

Enhanced Real-Time Queues

Get enhanced real-time processing stats of your queues:

  • Queue success rate

  • Completed queues items

  • Uncompleted queues items

  • Queues with the most failures

  • Queues item failures by reason

Scrolling through the reports, at the bottom you can find the SLA Predictions, which are predictions calculated based on the AHT (Average Handling Time) of each queue and on the deadlines of items in the queue. Say you set the SLA to 2 hours, and you add 3 items into the queue at 4, 5, and 6 PM, then your items have the deadlines 6, 7, 8 PM, respectively.

These reports can help you understand how to schedule robot utilization and maximize machine efficiency.

Enhanced Real-time Machines

Get enhanced real-time processing stats of your machines:

  • Total job duration

  • Average Robot Utilization (in total hours)

  • Machine availability timeline

  • Machine by utilization

  • Machines with top errors

  • Jobs failures by reason

This template gives you a valuable overview of the machines that are most used and the machines that had the most errors while processing data, so you can always have an accurate overview of your attended and unattended robots. You can use the machine availability timeline to easily determine trigger scheduling slots.

When will the new feature become available?

Enhanced real-time monitoring is already available for Automation Cloud customers. If you are a Community user, the new view is turned on by default. If you are an Enterprise user, you first need to turn on the new view from the Monitoring page. We are looking forward to your feedback in order to determine when the new dashboards should become the default for everyone in the future.

For additional functionalities, check the official documentation for more information:

We’d like to thank you all for your feature suggestions and we hope that enhanced real-time monitoring will help you run automations without interruptions or hiccups. Try it out and let us know your thoughts here on the forum!


This is a great start to letting us see what’s going on in real-time. Now we just need to be able to set defaults for these views so that we don’t have to re-set everything every time we leave and come back to it :slight_smile:

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What do you mean exactly by the following?

you first need to turn on the new view from the Monitoring page

We have an active Enterprise license (without Insights). Can we still use this functionality and where do we enable this?


hi @Senne_Symons ,
Yes you can use this functionality without the need to have a dedicated Insights License.

You can use the outlined toggle to switch between the new and previous monitoring view both at tenant and at folder level.
Kind Regards, Alex.

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Hello There, that’s a good start to answer meaningfull questions like what are the processes with most failure, top most exceptions thrown etc… we need to have a deeper look to integrate these visualisations in our company but will definitely help for some cases ( and will save some time to avoid develop internally these indicators through apis )


Hi all,

where I can find the Manage Alerts for real-time monitoring new option? I don’t see it.

Will this allow us to do the simple things we need to do but can’t?

  • See all jobs across all folders (and filter by status ie pending, running, failed, etc)
  • See all processes, queues, assets, etc across all folders