Encrypt Text - Invalid L-Value expression

Hi, I am new here and I have been already researching for a while. But couldn’t get an accurate response. I am doing a project, Where I extracted table data from a Google search, with a Log message showing the info for each row. Now I need to encrypt this info. However, I have no idea what to use in the result.

Hi @Denisse_Olsen_Abarca

In the Result property a variable of data type string must be provided instead of CurrentRow(0).

CurrentRow(0).ToString is the input which you have already provided.

So, declare a variable of type string and pass it into Result property. This variable will hold the encrypted text. To view the encrypted text, pass this variable in the log activity.

For more info please read the documentation

Thank you so much for your response! Actually, in the meantime I created a variable strEncrypt, So this was set up as the result and then as the log message. Thank you!

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